How much will the cleaning service cost?

It is misconception, that not everyone can afford cleaning services. Our cleaning services start from as little as $90. Exc GST. We do not charge anything else except for the final quoted price. No hidden costs what-so-ever.

When and how do I pay?

You do not need to pay us in advance. We trust you. The payment is due as per invoice terms and can be paid via bank transfer or with a credit card over the phone.

Do I need to provide equipment and supplies?

We take care of it all. We use green bio-degradable products and chemicals that are completely safe for you and your loved ones. We provide all the equipment and supplies needed to do the job right.

Who will Spot on Cleaning Services send to clean my home?

Our team of trained cleaners will be at your place wearing Spot-on uniform to clean and sanitize your workplace or office. Our recruitment process includes face-to-face interviews, background checks, work history examination and identification checks, as well as stringent reference checking. All written references are contacted and checked by our Recruitment Officers. These checks are important to us, as it is how we ensure you receive the very best cleaning services.

Do I have the same cleaner each time?

We prefer to send the same person to perform your house cleaning service each time. If you are not happy or would like to change cleaners, please let us know and we will arrange for a different person to attend your home

Is there anything needed to be done before your cleaner arrive?

You do not have to do anything except for providing us access to the areas that need cleaning. We look after all the rest.

What if I have pets?

Who doesn’t love pets ! All our products are pet friendly and are in no way harmful to them. The only thing we ask if that your pets are friendly to us and let our cleaning professionals get on with the job. We ask that you let us know if a pet will be in the home.

How can I Reschedule or Cancel my regular cleaning?

Just a simple email to us or even by using the contact us tab on this website. As easy as that ! However we appreciate, if you give us at least 48 hour notice before you cancel.

How Do You Look After My Keys?

Each key is given a unique code, so as not to identify the name or address of the customer to which it belongs. All of our cleaners are familiar with our key management policy which describes our procedures for the safe handling and storage of house keys.

Can I Get A Tax Invoice/Receipt?

Yes. We will issue a tax invoice/receipt via email when your booking is confirmed, or after your cleaning service in the case of a regular clean. If you prefer your invoice to be addressed to a company or sent to a particular email address, please let us know at the time of booking.

Can I Request That My Cleaner Use My Own Cleaning Equipment?

We understand that clients have preferences regarding cleaning equipment. If you wish our cleaners to use your products please ensure you have equipment available and in good working order

Do You Have Public Liability Insurance?

Yes. We are fully covered in case of personal injury or property damage.

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