Some of the paint may have found itself over on the tiles when you have painted near a tiled surface. Whether you wish to get rid of paint stains from tiles and grout or realise that a beautiful tile is covered by paint splatter, you could try the following tile and grout cleaning tips in Melbourne. The tips for paint removal are handy and Do-It-Yourself (DIY). However, it’s important to note that if there are physical cracks, webbing or flakes, your attempts at removing paint might worsen the damage further. In such cases, it is best to get the help of professional tile cleaners for superior tile cleaning in Melbourne.
Here are three DIY tips for removing paint stains and do a good tile and grout cleaning by yourself in Melbourne. It might take a bit more effort and perseverance, but sure to get the job done.
1. Scrape off the paint
If you had painted yourself and overlooked a little paint splatter on tiles, it is possible to achieve good tile cleaning in Melbourne by scraping off the paint. However, if you are attempting to remove decades-old paint marks on tiles, it would be best to wear a mask so you can be safe from the hazards of old lead-based paint.
You could use a regular utility knife for tile and grout cleaning in Melbourne. Hold on to the knife at a 45-degree angle, and with short, purposeful strokes, try to scrape the paint off the tiles. If the paint comes off with a little effort, then good news, use a little damp cloth to clean
debris from tiles and grout, but if you see that the scraping damages the glaze on tiles, then best to refrain further scraping and move on to the next step.
2. Heat and scrape off the paint
When the paint splatter is more than a few years old, then the paint becomes cured and set in its place. To achieve really good tile cleaning in Melbourne, you could try heating the surface with a heating gun and then scraping it off. By heating, you’ll be protecting the glaze on the tile and loosening the cured paint.
Be mindful of overheating and scorching the surface. With proper heating, the paint becomes loose and tacky, and with little to no effort in scraping, it could peel away easily for superior tile and grout cleaning in Melbourne. Be a little careful around corners.
3. Use paint remover
When you need to get really good tile cleaning in Melbourne and have stubborn paint stains, you can use paint remover instead of scraping that will damage the glaze. When purchasing, make sure to share the type of tile and glaze with the hardware store person to get the right paint removal. If you are unsure or have a tile sample, you could bet on safe citrus-based paint removal to achieve high-quality tile cleaning in Melbourne.
Paint removal is a chemical and when using it for tile cleaning, ensure there is proper ventilation by opening up the windows and have exhaust fans powered on.
The first step is to neutralize the painted tile surface. You could use a regular household cleaner or a 50/50 warm water and vinegar solution and then wipe the surface with a damp cloth. Then it’s time to wear your safety goggles and gloves to start the tile cleaning procedure with paint removal.
It is good to test the paint removal for your tile and choose a mostly inconspicuous corner to apply a liberal amount of paint removal and leave it there for a time suggested on the packaging. After which, you can use a regular knife to scrape off the paint and be sure to check the quality of tile cleaning in Melbourne. If there is no visual damage to the tile or the glaze, then the paint removal has done its job, and you can now go ahead to use it for the rest of the painted surfaces to achieve quality tile and grout cleaning in Melbourne.
When all else fails, and DIY doesn’t get you the level of tile and grout cleaning you expected in Melbourne. Give professional tile cleaners a chance.
Leading professional tile and grout cleaning services in Melbourne
Tile and grout are notoriously difficult to clean. Every business owner knows that regular mopping, home tile cleaners and home grout cleaning methods don’t do the trick, especially if you’re trying to eliminate stubborn dirt and paint that has settled on tile surfaces or deep into grout lines. Call Spot On Professional Cleaning Services, and we’ll come to the rescue! Our professional Tile Cleaning and Grout Cleaning process will keep your tile surfaces, grout lines and countertops clean and fresh. We can boldly go where bottled cleaners and household mops have never gone before!